Odiya delicacy- macha patrapoda(fish baked in banana leaves)

MACHA PATRAPODA(FISH BAKED IN BANANA LEAF) This recipe is just not a recipe for me but a rememberance of my grandmother's love and affection and how she use to feed us. So this recipe is for my Aai or mother's mother or as we all say nani maa. So before giving you the recipe let me tell you how this recipe got evolved in my grandmother's kitchen. STORY BEHIND MY NANI'S RECIPE So, when she was young they had to cook in a chulha or using wood logs inserted inside a clay hand made stwere not available. So while she was cooking the fish fell down and got nowadays what we call as grilled or barbecued but for them was burnt. And she was what she would do about it so what she did to get rid of the charcoal smell she used the banana leaves covered it and then cooked the fish for around some minutes and then her signature dish arrived and the recipe got passed on from one generation to another. But when it came to me I was little confused that how can I make it as...